Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Back (I Hope) on a More Regular Basis

To update, here's what's been happening in Jeffworld: So far this year, my wife and I have bought a new house, moved out of our old house, moved into the new house, helped her parents move out of their house and get it sold, renovated our old house, and now sold it as well. All while doing the usual work, teaching, conference prep, and helping my daughter with an Algebra II online class.

Fortunately, all that's behind us now (OK, one more week of algebra, but hey...), so I'm trying to refocus on things that I'd like to keep up with. That said, blogging is one of them.

I've tried to be a daily blogger in the past, and I never seem to do very well. So I'm going to try a different approach here on jQNaB. Instead of cooking up a big example for every post, I'm going to see if I can just post a little something every day. Nothing big--at least not every day--but something regularly. Hopefully that will help keep things a bit more lively around here, and you won't be nearly as bored with me.

So, on we go. For today's jQuery-related stuff, just a reminder that I'm going to be teaching that class next week, the day before the CFUnited conference begins (a week from today, in fact). I'm really looking forward to it, and may use some of my class examples for future posts here. If you're interested, I think there might still be room. Go over to www.CFUnited.com and look under "Classes".

And for tomorrow: a little piece of jQuery to make instant tool tips out of links. That should be fun and not too complex.

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